Publish Time: 2021-12-20 Origin: Site
Is people screening harmful to our health?
For a very long time, most of the people screening in use are restricted to hand-held devices. This made people screening very difficult for large numbers of people to be properly checked, especially in crowded areas. It is largely for this reason that people screening is created. People screening allows for easier and more reliable means of metal detecting on individuals than ever before. People screening emit electromagnetic waves by the source coil into the detection area. The detector coil discerns these waves.
l Is people screening harmful to our health?
l Is people screening harmful to pregnant women?
l Do people screening emit radiation?
Is people screening harmful to our health?
The safety of people screening is a frequently asked question. We know that people boarding planes have to pass through a thorough check to make sure everyone’s safety while on a plane. There are also a lot of uses of people screening in our daily life. People screenings are used in important public buildings for security screening. We hear almost every day how people screening find out drugs and other illegal things in the airport.
When we walk through more people screening points than doors in an airport, one might come to think if the radiation emitted by people screening has any harmful impact on the body. Superstitions about people screening are not uncommon either.
But from the recent studies, it is clear that the radiation that a people screening releases have close to no reaction to the human body. So if you are concerned about your health while passing a people screening, you will see there is no reason to be.
Is people screening harmful to pregnant women?
There has always been an argument over the safety of people screening. We wonder whether people screening causes harm to us, especially to children and pregnant women.
The debate has been sparked out by the way people screening work. These people screening is functioned to detect the metals that one could be hiding on. People assume that people screening uses X-rays which have been proved to be harmful to the pregnant women and also to ordinary users.
Till now, there are no such cases reported about people suffering in one way or other after they have passed via a people screening.
According to Health Physics Society, people screenings on airports give off non-ionizing radiation, therefore long-term exposure to people screening will not increase any risk of birth defect as well as miscarriage.
The truth is that people screening located on airports uses a low-frequency electromagnetic field, and their main purpose is searching for weapons. Even household appliances that we have in our homes produce some kind of electromagnetic field. So exposure of pregnant women to such sources of radiation emitted by people screening is considered safe.
Do people screening emit radiation?
Yes, people screening do. But the energy that is emitted by a people screening is not dangerous or harmful. In cases of people screenings, they use low-level X-rays which have been known to be harmless. These people screenings are made with considering human bodies. So it is understandable that there is no reason to worry about and the technology used in people screening is safe and harmless.
A lot of people assume that people screening in airports uses X-rays to detect metals, but they don’t. From the other side, X-ray is used for X-ray baggage scanner that the radiation they emit has the same power as dental X-ray used in dentists’ offices. These X-ray baggage scanner and people screening are completely safe for those who work with it as they are shielded from employees.
The radiation of people screening is in most situations considered safe. Even accidental exposure to X-rays, baggage handlers will not cause any harm. Ionizing radiation can increase the risks of birth defects and miscarriage, however most of the people screenings use non-ionizing radiation, or some people screenings that use give off a much lower level of radiation.
Learn more something about people screening can know the safety of people screening and the radiation of people screening. If you want to buy good people screening with reasonable price, Shanghai Eastimage Equipment CO., LTD. is your best choice. Whether from quality or price, or delivery time, we can help customers to open up a further and larger market. We have all types of different people screening and if you have any questions, you can contact us or search us online.